Tax Equalization


Steele County Tax Equalization Director 
The responsibility of the Tax Equalization Director also called the Assessment Officer, is to appraise all taxable property at a fair and equitable value. They also conduct educational campaigns to fully acquaint constituents with provisions of the property tax laws and responsibilities. More information can be found in the resources section on the left of this page.


 Tax Applications & Information

At the February 2019 meeting, the Steele County Commissioners voted to formally adopt the Steele County Building Permit Ordinance and Regulations. A copy of this document can be found on the link below, with any of the Township Clerks/Treas., or at the Steele County Tax Director’s Office.


For any information regarding zoning, contact must be made with the Township's or each City directly. Steele County IS NOT involved in any zoning regulations. Thank you!