Steele County Public Schools


  Finley Sharon Public School

The Finley-Sharon Public School district #19 is primarily a rural school district of 293 square miles. The communities of Finley, ND, and Sharon, ND merged together in 1975 to form the Finley-Sharon Public School and the first graduating class was in the spring of 1976. The Finley-Sharon School K-12 today is located in the city of Finley, ND, which is approximately 26 miles west of Mayville, ND.


  Hope Page Public School

The Hope-Page Public School district is a rural school district in Steele and Cass counties. Students attend elementary school (K-6) in Page and middle through high school (7-12) in Hope. Hope is located forty miles northeast of Valley City, and Page is located thirty-six miles from Valley City. Hope-Page School coops with Finley-Sharon School in athletics. The mascot for FSHP athletics is the Spartans.