Economic Development

Steele County encompasses several economic development and job development organizations, including the Steele County Job Development Authority, the Hope Economic Development Corporation, and the Finley Economic Development Corporation. Each of these organizations is dedicated to facilitating economic growth and job creation in the communities they represent. They all play a vital role in the sustainability and growth of Steele County by providing services and assistance to businesses located within the county or businesses interested in relocating to Steele County.

Within the past ten years, Steele County has seen the designation of the Griggs-Steele Empowerment Zone affect the communities in remarkable ways. The county now has new businesses, additional resources, community improvements and industrial parks in both Hope and Finley. These industrial parks are home to some very successful businesses, with lots still available for additional businesses at low costs.

The city incentive packages incorporate community involvement into economic development. Each community in Steele County values its neighbors and businesses. Contact the City Auditors to find out what incentives you can receive as a new community member. Hope City Hall 701-945-2772. Finley City Hall 701-524-1961.There are two major highways running through Steele County, enabling easy access. Steele County is the ideal place to locate your business. 

Hope Development Corporation (EDC) Board Members:

  • Dawn Flaten
  • Heather Jacobson
  • Scott Erickson
  • Keith Ihry
  • Nick Brendemuhl
  • Chris Visby
  • Kevin McCullough

Finley Economic Development Board Members

  • Laurie Tuite
  • Chad Aberle
  • Karl Christian
  • (Vacant)